2012年12月5日 星期三

The Feature of the Correspondence Tables of the Gāndhārī Dhammapada


These correspondence tables (Comparative Catalogue) of Gāndhārī Dhammapada are listed according to the vaggas (品 Ping). They are majorly based on the ground offered by John Brough’s book:

Brough, John, (1962, 2001), The Gāndhārī Dharmapada, Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private Limited, Delhi, India.

I have no ideas when it is going to be on the track, maybe before the end of 2013.

繼《法集要頌經》偈頌對照表於 2012年12月5日完成之後,本部落格將繼續提供以Gāndhārī Dharmapada 為主的偈頌對照表,基本上這些對照表是在 John Brough 《犍陀羅語法句經》的基礎上,輔以 Dhammajoti 的《漢譯法句經》。

Dhammajoti, K. L., (1995), The Chinese Version of Dhammapada, Translated with Introduction and Annotation, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.


